Thursday, May 23, 2013

I have know clue why but i always fine cat pictures hilarious!<3

Can't Always Get What You Want

Ha ha ha, i can relate to this song. Ha haa, growing up my mom used to ALWAYS sing me this song in her what she thought and says everybody tells her, her "beautiful" voice. But really it sounded like a cat getting ran over and then stabbed then ran over again and again. Ha. But she says i always ask for a lot then cry or wine if i didn't get my way. And still till this day she marvelously sings me this song. 

Can't Believe It !

I can't believe it, we only have 5 more days of school! Not only that, i'm about to be a senior! It's scary. I can't believe I only have one more. I can't believe i'm next in line. These last 3 years went by so fast! If i could i would go back and change some things. I would definitely take school way more serious. So all of you  who are reading this that are about to be in high school TAKE THINGS MORE SERIOUS! It will make your high school life easier. Also i would of planned better like my future ect. But i guess i gotta make the best of it. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

HAHA ! You'r next.

It's True After All

The saying you find your true friends when you hit high school is true. I'm a junior and i had so many of my "best friends" come and go. A lot which i thought would always be there for me. I used to have one since my freshman year till the beginning of this year, we changed school and everything to still be with each other. But it's sad we are drifting apart and it hurts because we made plans to moved and be room mates. blah blah. But oh well things happen for a reason i guess. But now i have a true best friend, and it's crazy how we met this year and it's like we knew each other our whole life, we can finish each others sentences ect. and i hope this "best friend" last. ha.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dumb Retards Asking for More Attention !

Drama is the most stupid thing ever. I have no clue why people like to start stuff with other people, it IS NOT cute! What so ever. It’s actually really annoying. Like why do you take time out of your day to run your mouth, mostly about dumb stuff at that, that doesn’t matter? Like come on now we are in HIGH SCHOOL it’s time to grow up! We are not children anymore we are about to become adults. Before you open your mouth to tell somebody what’s wrong themselves make sure you are perfect first. NOBODY is perfect. Did your momma ever teach you the fraze “treat others the way you wanted to be treated?”

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What Is The Point?!

So today in English class the teacher gave me a hand out with a bunch of survey questions, and told me to answer them?! Like why do they give us these things? Why do you need to know what my favorite candy is and stuff? CREEP. What type of questions is “if I had a million dollars, I would….?” Like what the heck does that have to do with school? Makes no since at all. Or the questions like “my favorite book(s) and magazine(s),” or “I do my best thinking when” like do you really think I read outside of school? Like heck I don’t even read inside school? And um do you really think teenagers go and study? Like no, only a few do. So please save some tree’s and quit printing out these dumb surveys. 
Thanks (: 
Love, Sierra <3 

Monday, May 13, 2013

My Introduction

       Hello, I am the creator of the blog “A Life As a Highshooler”. My name is Sierra. I am in the surgical technician program at Great Oaks. I'm a pretty laid back chick. I love to laugh and have fun. 
        The purpose of this blog is to tell people what happens in the halls of a high school. Since I am 16 years old and Junior In high school, I know all about what happens in high school. In this blog I will talk about drama, true friends, the lunch, the teachers, and plenty more. So if you are ready to laugh and know the juicy stuff that happens in high school then keep up with my blog and tell all your friends (: