Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What Is The Point?!

So today in English class the teacher gave me a hand out with a bunch of survey questions, and told me to answer them?! Like why do they give us these things? Why do you need to know what my favorite candy is and stuff? CREEP. What type of questions is “if I had a million dollars, I would….?” Like what the heck does that have to do with school? Makes no since at all. Or the questions like “my favorite book(s) and magazine(s),” or “I do my best thinking when” like do you really think I read outside of school? Like heck I don’t even read inside school? And um do you really think teenagers go and study? Like no, only a few do. So please save some tree’s and quit printing out these dumb surveys. 
Thanks (: 
Love, Sierra <3 

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